Matchless Cooking Worksheets Pdf
Write the word under the pictures.
Cooking worksheets pdf. Energy 24 11 4 10 3 2028kJ 75g 08g 92g 02g 480kcal Fat LOW LOW LOW LOW Saturates Sugars Salts Energy 14 8 12 8 30 1187kJ 55g 24g 75g 18g 281kcal Fat LOW LOW LOW MED Saturates Sugars Salts Chicken curry with rice Venison stewcasserole Each portion contains Each portion contains Energy 21 25 14 9 20 1732kJ. Log in or register to post comments. Foods products recipes Deep frying Shallow frying Grilling Deep frying is a cooking method where the food is completely submerged in hot oil or fat.
Boil cook meat or vegetables in the oven fry cook pies or cakes in the oven bake cook in hot water roast cook over steam from hot water steam cook over a direct flame or under heat grill cook in hot oil. Cooking methods - Worksheet 3 Cooking methods and descriptions Read through the cooking method descriptions and match them to the correct method in the table below. To cook food at a high temperature inside an oven 3.
Do you or your child need more help with your English. The information is tailored to suit each age group. Cooking is the fist subsection of the food and drinks category so you can browse through the 82 cooking worksheets posted here look at all the worksheets related to food and drinks by going to the main section or even look at other subsections such as the food sectionThis is a simple but fun worksheet that you might consider giving students before winter break.
11 1 Chapter test c Course Book p 34 Short answer questions 1 State two rules for personal hygiene. Then they have to put the right vocabulary in the correct gap. Foods products recipes Deep frying Shallow frying Grilling Deep frying is a cooking method where the food is completely submerged in hot oil or fat.
The temperature of the oil should be between 175C and 195C. Beat in the egg and then milk a little at a time until the batter is smooth and lump-free. Cooking methods - Worksheet 4 - Page 1 Research Task - Dry Cooking Methods Cooking method Describe the method of cooking What is it used for.
To heat a liquid to 100 degrees. To move food repeatedly in a circular motion 6. Read Book Cooking Worksheet Bbc Cooking Worksheet Bbc As recognized adventure as capably as experience not quite lesson amusement as with ease as concurrence can be gotten by just checking out a ebook cooking worksheet bbc then it is not directly done you could acknowledge even more approaching this life on the order of the world.